The tale of The Padre’s Gift revolves around a mysterious figure known as the Padre, who is believed to emerge from hidden underground passages beneath the Alamo and other San Antonio missions. According to local folklore, the Padre makes rare appearances to reward those who show him kindness, especially children. Parents used to caution their children to be respectful to all, telling stories of “angels’ visits” and noble strangers, hinting that they might one day meet the Padre and receive a special gift. Many legends recount the mysterious gifts he has given—bags of gold coins, deeds to long-lost family properties, or other precious items.
One woman shares her own remarkable encounter with the Padre, recalling how she met an elderly man dressed in a long brown cloak by a spring one morning. He handed her a book wrapped in oilskins, filled with ancient Spanish writing, and asked her to promise to guard it carefully and to pass it along to a chosen successor. Delighted, she accepted his mysterious gift, wondering afterward if he was indeed the legendary Padre of the tales. Though she never confirmed his identity, she cherishes the encounter as something extraordinary. This story of the Padre and his gifts keeps the spirit of old San Antonio alive, blending history and myth into a captivating local legend.
If you’ve ever had an encounter with the Padre please email us! I’m dying to hear a first-hand account.